A group of well renowned Slovenian Latin American and ballroom dancers joined forces over a decade ago to create a unique dance show called The 50s Show. Jurij Batagelj as their director and choreographer put latin-american and ballroom dances onto theatre stages in the form of an inspiring dance show with a story that has never been told before.

Now this story will be told again, but this time with an extra twist and nothing but superlatives, from new scenography, new costumes and, what is most exciting, 6 additional dancers from the hip-hop and modern dance fields and an excellent singer Zala Smolnikar, whose voice will enchant you.
DANCE STORY – The Big Apple, city of opportunities and rebirth. The year is 1947. The world is optimistically waking up and the Brooklyn suburbs have never been so lively. Only 24 hours, enwrapped with dance stories from New York’s neighbourhoods, filled with night bars, flashing lights and exciting rhythms. In the heat of artistic talent individuals of various cultures, nationalities and profiles meet with a wish to create a better tomorrow. Immersed into a fast developing scenery they are faced with numerous challenges that form a swirl of emotions and create a unique dance story.
Spotlights go on, the streets awaken and the stories of our dance heroes come alive. The story is told using all ten Latin American and ballroom dances with exciting inserts of fiery argentine tango, dirty salsa, energetic swing, hip-hop, modern and show dance!